Defending Driving Offenses ™

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About Jeannie

(206) 623-3343 or email

Jeannie limits her practice to just criminal and civil traffic matters. Jeannie has been practicing since 1990. A DUI, Reckless Driving, Hit and Run, Negligent driving, or traffic ticket will impact your life for several years. As featured on the front page of Seattle Times 'Drivers fighting tickets - and winning'.. If you are looking for Washington traffic ticket defense, dui defense or any driving defense, Jeannie can help. Jeannie has a very high success rate of keeping her clients driving records clean. If you were speeding in Seattle or you have a criminal case call (206) 623-3343 for a FREE consultation.

If you are looking for a traffic lawyer or DUI lawyer in Seattle, Jeannie is the person you need. Widely respected as a leader in her field. She has 34+ years of experience, limits her practice to all driving offenses both criminal and civil. Speeding tickets, Red light tickets, all traffic tickets, DUI/DWI, Reckless Driving, Reckless Endangerment, Negligent Driving. She is a frequent speaker at legal education seminars, former Pro Tem Judge, has been featured on King 5 news, John Carlson KVI Talk Radio and in Vogue Magazine as a top lawyer for women in Washington. Jeannie travels statewide defending all traffic tickets and criminal driving offenses and has a very high success rate of keeping her clients records clean. If you received a criminal driving offense or a traffic ticket, there are important issues you may need to know.



Contact Us

Mailing Address

Jeannie P. Mucklestone, P.S., Inc.
PO Box 565
Medina, WA 98039

Office Location

9 Lake Bellevue Drive
Suite 100
Bellevue, WA 98005

P: (206) 623-3343


H: Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM